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Is SecureMyEmail the best Email service? Let’s ask our users and tech experts.
In fact, you can even encrypt your email for FREE. Forever.
No complicated pricing models here. Sign up for our Free Plan or enjoy a 30-Day Free Trial of a paid plan. No payment info is necessary. If you decide the paid plan is right for you, It’s only $3.99/month or $29.99/year.Pricing & DownloadIt's only going to get better.
No. While almost all other encrypted email providers require the recipient to know a password (that you must send to them through text or phone) we built a better way.
With SecureMyEmail you can just click SEND and we handle the encryption. No passwords are required by the recipient.
We do have a second option that does require a password if you want to add one, however.
It's very intuitive, but if you want to see all the boring details, you can read our support article on sending and receiving encrypted email.
Yes. Any personal or business email address should work. The only real condition is that you are using IMAP as we cannot support the older POP protocol.
And, if you don't know what those are, that's ok. :) You're probably using IMAP. It is the most modern protocol and supports email syncing across multiple devices. It is quite rare that someone uses POP.
Yes. Very. Just go to our Downloads page and install and set up the software for your device. The PC/Mac software runs locally in any web browser and we have apps for iOS, iPadOS, and Android.
You can easily set up your other devices after you activate your account on your first device.
If you want to check out the pricing first or purchase a VPN+SecureMyEmail bundle go to our Pricing page (scroll down for SecureMyEmail - only plans).
Yes! We offer free email encryption service for Gmail, Yahoo, and Microsoft consumer accounts.
The rules are, it needs to be a single email address and end in,, or a Microsoft consumer domain such as,,, or There are also a few derivatives (like, that will also work with our free service. If you're not sure if your email qualifies, the software will tell you whether you are eligible for a free account in the very first installation step. If not, it will offer you our 30-Day Free Trial that everyone receives.
If you ever need to encrypt additional email addresses, you can upgrade to our paid plan at any time.
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